Friday, March 6, 2009

Environmental Scientists & Geoscientists

Environmental scientists and geoscientists use their knowledge of the physical makeup and history of the Earth to locate water, mineral, and energy resources; protect the environment; predict future geologic hazards; and offer advice on construction and land use projects. Environmental scientists conduct research to identify and abate or eliminate sources of pollutants that affect people, wildlife, and their environments.


They analyze and report measurements and observations of air, water, soil, and other sources to make recommendations on how best to clean and preserve the environment. They often use their skills and knowledge to design and monitor waste disposal sites, preserve water supplies, and reclaim contaminated land and water to comply with Federal environmental regulations.

Geoscientists study the composition, structure, and other physical aspects of the Earth. By using sophisticated instruments and analyses of the earth and water, geoscientists study the Earth's geologic past and present in order to make predictions about its future. For example, they may study the Earth's movements to try to predict when and where the next earthquake or volcano will occur and the probable impact on surrounding areas to minimize the damage. Many geoscientists are involved in the search for oil and gas, while others work closely with environmental scientists in preserving and cleaning up the environment.

Geoscientists usually study, and are subsequently classified in, one of several closely related fields of geoscience, including geology, geophysics, and oceanography. Geologists study the composition, processes, and history of the Earth. They try to find out how rocks were formed and what has happened to them since formation. hey also study the evolution of life by analyzing plant and animal fossils. Geophysicists use the principles of physics, mathematics, and chemistry to study not only the Earth's surface.

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